【学生レポート】Mid-term breakの過ごし方



Hi everyone, it’s Rika Fujisawa.

I’m gonna tell you how I spent the mid-term break in this report.



今月のレポートでは10月にあったMidterm breakをどのように過ごしたかをみなさんにお伝えします。



On the first Saturday of my break, I went for a walk to see the sunrise with my friends. The place is called Stairway of Tane, which I mentioned in my previous report. It was a beautiful day, and we saw a beautiful sunrise!


休みの最初の土曜に友達と朝日を見に行きました。前回のレポートで紹介したStairway of Taneというところです。この日は天気が良く、綺麗な朝日を見ることができました🥰




I visited Wellington twice during the break. Wellington is the capital of New Zealand and is a beautiful city surrounded by sea and mountains.

Wellington has so many shops, and we had a great time shopping. Look at my serious face.






This is my friend, Clara. She is sooooo cute!




On other days I went to a honey shop, Waireka Honey Centre. There is a wide range of honey and honey-related products. You can also have honey ice cream there, and I ate the fig and honey ice cream! It was very tasty.


他の日にはハニー屋さんに行きました。Waireka Honey Centreというお店で,いろんな種類の蜂蜜や蜂蜜関連製品が並んでいます。




Did you enjoy this report? In my next report, I’m gonna tell you about the Halloween party we had the other day! Please look forward to it.



