~イベントレポート~ Ball Party, 18 Nov 2018


Hello everybody ! Today, I would like to introduce one of the largest IPU’s yearly events called “Ball Party”

First of all, I would like you to imagine…

this picture !

Haha, I’m just kidding.

This is the one.

英語でもBall Partyと表記するのでややこしいですが、Ballという単語には、「舞踏会」や「(正式の)ダンスパーティ」

The word “ball” is confusing because it is represented with the same letters meaning a spherical object. However, in this case, it means a formal dance party.


For this reason, the males wear formal suits and the females wear dresses at the party, and especially women can have the valuable experience unlike in Japan.


During the party, we can enjoy watching the performances, such as bands, dances, songs, and musical instruments as the audiences, but we also can be the performers by volunteering.


Also, theme changes every year. Based on the theme, the venue is decorated and the participants prepare their costumes for the party.


For instance, the theme of this year was “Mad Hatter’s tea party” from the movie called Alice in Wonderland, so we took some photographs in the background of the Alice’s world at the photo booth like the pictures above.


In addition, the theme of the last year was “masquerade”, so the participants put on their original masks and we decided the best mask by vote at the end of the party.


The nomination for the best mask was set last year, and every year we have a special contest, deciding by vote who is the best among a few candidates in each category.


The categories include not only the standard titles, such as the best couple, the best friends, and Mr. and Ms. IPU but also the unique titles, such as the person who is always late, the person who stays up late, the person who is the life of campus, and the person who has a big heart.

The kinds of category can be changed depending on year, but it is very enjoyable program for sure.


This is the end of the introduction of Ball Party.

(日本語・英語・写真とも 4回生 山内 翔央)