~学生レポート~ レクリエーション施設『環』紹介


IPU New Zealandには、キャンパス内に『環(KAN)』という完全防音のパフォーミング・アートセンターがあります。中はどうなっているのか、どんな風に学生に使われているのか、紹介していただきます。



This time, I would like to introduce “Kan”.

さて、「環」とはどの様な施設なのか…?? 施設内をお見せします。

Well, what kind of facility is Kan? I show you the inside of the building first!


It looks like a dance studio as the mirrors are placed on the walls, doesn’t it?

To tell the truth, the facility aims at improving the students’ skills of performing arts!


For this reason, you can find a piano for public use in one of the 2 rooms as shown on the picture above.


Now, let us look at the booking schedule to know how other people use Kan.



Most nights are fully booked!

We can understand that everyone takes exercises actively after class as the list of booking schedule includes many clubs, such as music club, Japanese drum team, dance group, and Yoga.

It represents that IPU New Zealand encourages all the studets to excel both academically and athletically.

最後に補足として、バスケットボールやフリスビー、フットサルなど広いコートが必要なスポーツを行いたい際には、Rec Centre (レク・センター)いわゆる体育館施設が利用可能です。

For your information, you can use the gymnasium called Rec Centre when you want to play the sports requiring a spacious court, such as basketball, Frisbee, and futsal.



This is the end of introduction of Kan!